Raksha Rajya Mantri Ajay Bhatt interacted with the cadets of National Cadet Corps (NCC), of Shimla Directorate on 20 Sep 2022 at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh. He lauded the youth organisation for instilling into its cadets the qualities of a leader, soldier, artist, musician and above all a good human being, making them a complete person.
He commended NCC for developing the qualities of its cadets so that they create their own paths and give new direction to society. He urged the cadets to find purpose in life and take inspiration from many NCC alumni who made a mark in society by adopting the qualities of unity, discipline, truthfulness, courage, harmony and leadership taught at the organisation.
“The NCC is doing a yeoman service to the Nation by transforming the youth into a cohesive and disciplined force,” he said.Terming hard work as the key to success, the Raksha Rajya Mantri urged the NCC cadets to strive for a “new dawn of progress".
He laid equal emphasis on moulding with the continuously evolving times and carrying forward Indian values, traditions and the feeling of humanity while bringing about that change.Shri Ajay Bhatt exhorted the NCC cadets to dream big and work diligently towards achieving their goals by breaking the shackles of fear of & scepticism.
“Go ahead in your lives with a vision to create something new, something of the highest order, something that makes you successful and makes our country proud,” he said.The Raksha Rajya Mantri interacted with the NCC cadets.
He told the cadets that, being an NCC alumni himself, he ensures that he doesn’t miss any event organised by NCC.He also gave example of Hon'ble PM and Hon'ble RM who are also NCC alumni and take keen interest of NCC affairs.
During the event held in the College auditorium at Dharamshala, the NCC cadets presented a colourful rendition of the regional folk culture to the Raksha Rajya Mantri. Maj Gen MP Singh, GOC Dah Division, Brig Rohit Dutta, DDG NCC Directorate Shimla and senior civil and military officers of Ministry of Defence attended the function.