Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Jhanjeri celebrated Teacher’s Day with great pomp & show. The function started with glorious tributes paid to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan by teachers.The novelty of these celebrations was that all items on stage like songs, dances, mimicry, skits etc were presented by the teachers and the students were the audience. Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Academic and Non- Academic Staff in different categories. Dr. Manpreet Grewal, Principal, Chandigarh Law College, Jhanjeri While highlighting the importance and why this day is being celebrated.
Dr. Rajneesh Talwar, Director, Chandigarh Engineering College, Jhanjeri, Dr. Manish Srivastava, Director, Chandigarh Business School and other staff members cut the cake and congratulated everyone for the day.Speaking on the occasion Rashpal Singh Dhaliwal, President CGC said that teachers play a great role in building the career and caliber of young students. He congratulated the teachers for their tireless efforts put in by them to shape the future generation .He compared teachers to the creators ,second only to God He later , thanked them for their unconditional dedication towards the institute . At the conclusion of the event, everyone danced to the music played by the DJ.