The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab MLAs and leaders on Thursday gheraoed the residence of Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, against the decision of the Captain government to give government jobs to the sons of the Congress MLAs by flouting the government rules. Protesting and raising slogans against the Captain government, the AAP leaders said that Captain Amarinder Singh had promised to give 'Ghar-Ghar Rozgar' to the people of Punjab by holding Sri Gutka Sahib in his hand before the 2017 elections and now the Chief Minister was fulfilling the promise of ‘Ghar-Ghar Rozgar’ by giving government jobs to the sons and daughters of the Congress leaders, while the sons and daughters of the common people of Punjab were being humiliated in the name of job fairs. AAP MLAs Principal Budhram, Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer, Kultar Singh Sandhwan, Jai Kishan Singh Rodi, Amarjit Singh Sandoa, Youth Wing co-president Anmol Gagan Mann, party’s state treasurer Neena Mittal, were present on the occasion.Speaking on the occasion, the AAP leaders said that Captain Amarinder Singh's government in its tenure had earlier given the job of DSP to the brother of MP Ravneet Bittu. Now Congress MLA Fateh Jung Bajwa's son has been recommended for appointment as DSP, MLA Rakesh Pandey's son has been recommended for appointment as Tehsildar, while Cabinet Minister Sadhu Singh Dharamsot and MLA Kuldeep Singh Vaid's sons has been recommended for appointment in AG's office, which is highly reprehensible, said the leaders. The leaders said that the family members of Shaheed Udham Singh, who laid his life for the country, were forced to work for wages. “The Captain government did not take the essence of this patriotic family, but the sons of Congress MLAs are being given big jobs. Those children, whose billionaire father has become MLA, Captain Amarinder Singh sees such children as needy,” they added.Taking a dig at Captain Amarinder Singh, the AAP leaders questioned how many government jobs had been given to the sons and daughters of ordinary families killed in terrorist attacks and fake encounters. “What jobs have been given to the families of the martyrs of Behbal Kalan-Kotkapura firing?” they said. On the claim made by Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh to provide 17 lakh jobs in four years, the AAP leaders said that the Captain government had also made it a business to sell pakoras on the lines of PM Narendra Modi. They said that due to unemployment, the youth of Punjab were either stuck in the mire of drugs or were spending lakhs of rupees to build their future abroad. The leaders said that Punjab was one of the five most unemployed states in the country where Captain Amarinder Singh had formed the government by promising ‘Ghar-Ghar Rozgar’. They said that the slogan (naara) of 20 lakh jobs has now become an excuse (laara). The AAP leaders said that one recites ‘jumlas’ to the people of Punjab by sitting in the centre and the other while sitting in his farmhouse.