Health Minister Vipin Singh Parmar today said that the registration under Himcare scheme would be restarted from 1 January, 2020 to facilitate those families which failed to make their cards under the scheme in the first phase. He said that the registration would continue till 31 March, 2020. He said that opportunity is also being given to renew the Himachal Pradesh universal health protection scheme cards under the Himcare scheme. He said that the beneficiary could register themselves by visiting the departmental website or through Lok Mitra Kendras. He said that the required documents needs to be uploaded for registration under this scheme and the detail of the document is available on the departmental website.Vipin Singh Parmar said that free treatment facility up to rupees five lakh is being provided under the scheme. As of now 5.50 lakh families are covered under the schemes and free treatment facility is being provided through 199 hospitals which also includes 56 private hospitals. He added that 55798 patients availed the benefit of this scheme during last one year on which Rs. 52.57 crore were spent.