Khiladi Kumar aka Akshay Kumar has recently shared huge news with fans. The artist seems to be on a roll as he unveils his upcoming untitled film which will be a Hindi remake of the Tamil film 'Soorarai Pottru’. The film which was released on the OTT Platform and garnered immense love from the audience will now see the light in theatres and that too in a Hindi version.
People were wishing and expressing their grief that the Sudha Kongara directorial was not released in theatres due to COVID-19.But now Akshay has shared the news and video on his social media about the commencement of the shoot and also asked his fans to drop suggestions for the title of the project. Moreover, the Hindi remake was announced last year in July. Speaking about the announcement post, along with this, Akshay also shared a video featuring Radhika breaking the coconut as shooting for the project begins. Radhika can be seen draped in a red saree and traditional look as she kicks starts the shoot with the auspicious event.
Netizens bombarded his comment section with mixed comments and also suggest titles for the upcoming remake. For the unversed, ‘Soorarai Pottru’ is a biopic based on the life of Captain Gopinath who dreams of launching his own airline service. Also, about the Hindi remake, more details about the film are yet to be disclosed.