TV stars Shaheer Shaikh and Tejasswi Prakash feature in a new music video that talks of giving love a second chance.The song, "Ae mere dil", has been sung by Abhay Jodhpurkar, penned by Manoj Muntashir and composed by Jeet Gannguli."'Ae mere dil' is a very special song for me, particularly because Jeet Da, Manoj sir, and I are coming together for the first time. I am sure everyone has gone through heartbreaks and tough relationships and this song is surely going to remind them of all those experiences," said Abhay.The video of narrates a love story of two best friends, where Tejasswi is in love with Shaheer, who is heartbroken.He wants to give love a second chance but is unable to shed the baggage of his past relationship."'Ae mere dil' is a beautiful song that portrays an emotional message of giving love a second chance. Working on the song with Shaheer was a wonderful experience. I am very grateful that I got a chance to work on a music video by talented artistes like Jeet Gannguli, Manoj Muntashir and Abhay Jodhpurkar," said Tejasswi.Commenting on the song, Shaheer said: "There is beauty even in pain, and 'Ae mere dil' captures this raw emotion. The passion and depth of the song connects to every heart that's been in love. Moreover, working with Tejasswi was a wonderful experience."