On the instructions of the Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, Special Principal Secretary to CM-cum-Secretary, Information & Public Relations (PR) Gurkirat Kirpal Singh on Monday handed over a cheque of Rs. One Lac to injured senior Punjab Kesari TV reporter Munish Nagar, who is recuperating at the PGIMER Advance Trauma Centre here after he sustained grievous head and spine injuries in a road accident last week. The family member of Mr. Nagar accepted the cheque, on his behalf.The Chief Minister has approved the financial assistance from the Chief Minister's Relief Fund to help the family of the injured mediaperson, Secretary PR said after meeting Munish Nagar at the PGI today this afternoon.Wishing him speedy and complete recovery, Mr. Gurkirat Kirpal Singh assured the family of all possible government assistance in this hour of need.Reiterating the government's firm commitment towards overall welfare of the media fraternity, Secretary PR stated that government, in the media policy, had taken a number of steps in this regard.