Under the Mission Nischay launched in Fazilka district by the Punjab government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, the relationship between the police and the people has started to strengthen. Fazilka Police has motivated 8 youths and enrolled them in drug de-addiction center for treatment.
Today, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Senu Duggal IAS and SSP Dr. Pragya Jain IPS reached the drug de addiction center and cheered them up. The Deputy Commissioner and SSP presented them with bouquets of flowers and asked them to start a new life.
The Deputy Commissioner said that under Mission Nischay, we have taken a vow to completely eradicate drugs from the district. She congratulated those who came forward to quit drugs and said that medical treatment of this disease is possible with strong will.
She told the people who came to give up drugs that when they give up drugs, they will also be helped to start self-employment by giving them skill training. She asked the families of drug addicts to be their inspiration at this time and to keep their spirits up.
SSP Dr. Pragya Jain said that while the police have made a big attack on drug traffickers in the last one week, now by strengthening the relationship with the society, people suffering from drugs are being motivated and brought to hospitals to quit drugs. She said that when anyone after his de-addiction will returns to the village, it will not only be a new dawn in his life, but he will also become a path for other people of the village and people will know that medical treatment of drug addiction is possible.
Similarly, gazetted police officers will go to the border villages every day, where they will take the BSF and civil administration along with them and involve them in the anti-drug campaign by meeting with the villagers. She said that anyone who wants treatment should feel free to come to the hospital for drug de addiction, such a person will not be harassed by the police.
But at the same time, the SSP said in strict words that whoever will do the work of selling drugs has only one way in life and that way will take him to jail. Psychiatrist Dr. Mahesh Kumar said that no matter what kind of drug the drug victim is taking, after 5 to 10 days of treatment at the drug de addiction center, the person can quit drug addiction.
Its treatment is completely free. DSP Subeg Singh, Dr. Kavita Singh, Dr. Eric were also present on this occasion.