The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) got a major boost in Ludhiana when sone prominent figures joined the AAP on Thursday. Rajinder Singh Basant, Chairman of Basant group, Retired DSP Buland Singh and Ar. Karamjit Singh Narangwal, OBC welfare front (democratic) Punjab joined the Aam Aadmi Party.
They were officially inducted and welcomed to the party by the AAP Punjab working president MLA Budh Ram. Along with them Kulwant Singh Pappi (Akali Dal), Tarlochan Singh Kaka (Congress) and Sarbhjit Singh Savea (Congress) also joined the AAP.
Support of these prominent figures ahead of municipal corporation elections in Ludhiana will strengthen the party even more. On this occasion MLA Tarunpreet Singh Sondh, MLA Daljit Singh Bhola Grewal, MLA Rajinderpal Kaur Chheena, Secretaries Amandeep Singh Mohi, Shaminder Singh Khinda, Rajwinder Kaur Thiara, Gurdev Singh Lakhna and Ludhiana Distt president Sharanpal Singh Makkar were also present to welcome new leaders to the AAP family.
Principal Budh Ram said that the people who want to contribute to the progress of Punjab are joining the party everyday. Together we will work for Punjab and its people. He said that all the leaders are very successful in their fields of expertise and their social welfare experience will benefit the party too.