Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan has taken the plunge for the second time, tying the knot with makeup artist Sshura Khan. The first glimpses of the newlyweds were shared by Arbaaz, revealing a blissful union. The couple first crossed paths on the set of the upcoming movie 'Patna Shukla.'
The intimate wedding ceremony, hosted at Arbaaz's sister Arpita Khan's residence, witnessed the presence of close family members, including Salman Khan, Sohail Khan, Arbaaz's son Arhaan, parents Salim and Salma Khan, Helen, actress Raveena Tandon, her daughter Rasha, and model Lulia Vantur, among others.
Arbaaz, adorned in a beige floral bandhgala coat and matching pants, shared the joyous occasion on social media. The bride, Sshura, looked radiant in a pastel pink lehenga, with her hair left open and a complementing neckpiece.
Arbaaz expressed his gratitude, captioning the post: "In the presence of our loved ones, me and mine begin a lifetime of love and togetherness from this day on! Need all your blessings and good wishes on our special day!"
Celebrities flooded the comment section with love and blessings for the newlyweds. A viral video captured Arbaaz's son Arhaan serenading his father, while Arbaaz documented the heartfelt moment.
Arbaaz was previously married to model Malaika Arora, and they share a son, Arhaan. The couple divorced in May 2017. The star-studded guest list for the wedding included filmmaker and choreographer Farah Khan, Riteish Deshmukh with wife Genelia, Sajid Khan, Sanjay Kapoor, and his wife