The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab applauded the honest and transparent Mann government for saving 72 crores in 55 PWD projects. For one year and seven months, the Mann government in the state is working very efficiently and stopping the wastage of the Punjab exchequer's money. In a press conference from the party office in Chandigarh on Saturday, AAP Punjab spokesperson and Chairman Jagtar Singh Sanghera said that the Mann government has curbed the corruption in the state and government system.
Thanks to that now contractors and vendors know that they won't have to give any bribe or they don't need any connections with influential political leaders to get contracts. That's why they enthusiastically take part in e-tenders and bids. Sanghera added that before the election we promised to end corruption and a transparent system. Now after one and half years these honest policies are bearing good results for Punjab. In our government there are no commissions and middlemen because we ended organised corruption.
Sanghera said that we are proud of our government for delivering on our guarantees and saving the public money. Sanghera further said that the PWD department, minister and Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann deserve appreciation for their good work. Ge said that projects will have better quality and will be completed on time so there will be no revised costs too.
The tenders allotment for the upgradation of roads by the Public Works Department (PWD) saved Rs 72 Crore (about 21 percent) for the construction of 55 road works of about 430 Km roads. The estimated cost was Rs. 342 crore and contracts were given for 270 crores. The contracts are awarded to those who will deliver maximum quality at minimum cost. Sanghera said that the savings achieved by the department will be used to provide improved facilities to the people of Punjab.