Kangana Ranaut and Karan Johar share a bitter bond in the industry since 2017 which many times has been highlighted through various social media posts made by the actor while taking dig at KJo and speaking her mind out about him. Despite all thi envy, on the contrary, say surprisingly or shockingly, Karan Johar is excited to watch Kanfana’s upcoming film Emergency as he said himself. But we think Kangana is not ready to take anything positively because she has something to say to him back on this too.
Firstly speaking about Karan Johar statement on Emergency, he was recently asked about a political event that he wishes to watch in a film at the Express Adda session for Indian Express in which he expressed his views and said that, “The Emergency is being made and I am excited to watch it.”
A news article written on Karan’s statement by Hindustan Times came to the attention of a X (Twitter) user who posted on his account writing “Really ? Change of heart” and this post grabbed the eyeballs of Kangana Ranaut. So how can she stop herself from posting back anything related to Karan Johar. Kangana replied back to the post by saying that she is now scared seeing that KJo is excited remembering the controversies of Manikarnika as it was the last film he was excited for.
She said, “Ha ha last time when he said he was excited to see Manikarnika, the worse smear campaign of my life was unleashed upon me on its releasing weekend … almost all main actors working in the film were paid to sling mud on me and sabotage the film and suddenly the most successful weekend of my life was turned in to a living nightmare for me … Ha ha I am scared now very scared … because he is excited again …”
Talking about the film Emergency, it is the upcoming film of Kangana Ranaut in which she will be seen as former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The film is directed by Kangana herself and stars Anupam Kher and late actor Satish Kaushik along with her. The film is slated to have its release on 24 November 2023.
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