After Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra's Chamkila Biopic, the highly anticipated film, Jodi starring Diljit Dosanjh and Nimrat Khaira in lead roles which was scheduled to release on 5 May 2023 has been put on hold as per the orders by the court. The film was said to be based on the biopic of late singer Amar Singh Chamkila and Bibi Amarjot Kaur.
An order has been passed by the Court of Civil Judge Karandeep Kaur to issue summons returnable by May 8 to the team of the film Jodi including Diljit Dosanjh, Nimrat Khaira, Karaj Gill (Rhythm Boyz Entertainment Private limited), Daljit Thind (Daljeet Motion Films) and also to Gurmail Kaur, wife of late Singh Amar Singh Chamkila.
A petition was filed by Ishjeet Randhawa and Sanjot Randhawa, the sons of deceased producer Gurdev Singh Randhawa in which he claims that Jodi is based on the life of Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot Kaur.
The rights of making a biopic of Amar Singh Chamkila was given to their father by the widow of the late singer on 12 October 2012 for which she received an amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs. But on 3 November 2022, their father expired. So hearing this petition, the court stated their order to stay the release.
The next hearing has been scheduled for May 8 which surely tells us that the movie will not release on May 5.
Also Read: Imtiaz Ali, Diljit Dosanjh & Parineeti Chopra’s Upcoming Chamkila Biopic Lands Into Legal Trouble