Bollywood actress Kirti Kulhari, who made her mark in the industry with 'Khichdi: The Movie', is all set to be seen reprising her role of Parminder in 'Khichdi 2' which is going to be a sequel to the 2010 comedy film directed by Aatish Kapadia.
'Khichdi: The Movie' which was released in 2010 revolved around the Parekh family and showed an interesting chemistry between Parminder, played by Kirti, and Himanshu (played by Jamnadas Majhetia).
Kirti, who was seen in movies such as 'Shaitan', 'Pink', 'Blackmail', 'Uri: The Surgical Strike', and the web series 'Four More Shots Please', talked about the sequel and said: "'Khichdi 2' is finally happening and it's going to be a hilarious ride.
I have so many memories from the first film, from shooting the song 'Chal Chal Bhonsle Market' to doing all the crazy comedy scenes." She expressed her excitement about reprising her role of Parminder in 'Khichdi 2' and added: "I am so happy to return as Parminder in Khichdi 2 since this is where it all started for me.
I have realised over the years what a massive fan-following 'Khichdi' has, especially among kids and families." "I am often asked why I don't do comedies anymore so it's lovely to return to the genre with this sequel. This 'Khichdi' will be tastier, spicier, and funnier than before." she concluded.