Bollywood celebrities Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are one of the most loved couples. Their chemistry and bonding are fabulous on screen as well as in real life. The couple tied the knot last year on 14 April. Later Alia gave birth to a baby girl on 6 November. The pair was last seen together in ‘Brahmastra’ released on 9 September 2022 which was a super hit and the chemistry they shared on screen was commendable.
Now, Alia is all set for her first Hollywood Project ‘Heart Of Stone’ which is curiously going to be released in 2023 on the same date when Ranbir’s movie ‘Animal’ is scheduled to release. Interestingly, the couple will be celebrating the release of their different movies together on the same date ‘11 August 2023’.
ALSO READ: BIG Leap for Alia Bhatt: Hollywood Debut with “Heart of Stone” In the Ropes
Through ‘Heart Of Stone’ Alia is going to make her debut in Hollywood Project which is going to release on Netflix on 11 August. The movie also features Hollywood stars, ‘Gal Gadot’ and ‘Jamie Dornan’. The movie will be directly premiered on Netflix, so, Netflix yesterday shared a video in which all big releases were mentioned with their release dates. ‘Heart Of Stone’ was one of them revealing the release date ‘Of August 11’ and some visuals of Alia Bhatt. Previously a BTS of the film was also shared in which we can see the glance of Alia Bhatt. The video also revealed Alia's character name as ‘Keya Dhawan’.
If we talk about Ranbir Kapoor’s film ‘Animal’ which is also going to release in cinemas on 11 August 2023 starring Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor, and, Bobby Deol. The director of the film is Sandeep Reddy Vanga. It is a gangster drama movie and Ranbir Kapoor will be seen in a very different and unseen avatar. Both movies have already created hype in audiences and fans are eagerly waiting for their releases.
ALSO READ: Ranbir Kapoor shares his rugged, bloodied look from Sandeep Reddy's 'Animal'