Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo Yatra (BJY) entered Punjab on Wednesday with a visit to Gurudwara Fatehgarh Sahib. He said that this Yatra was to raise and fight the "biggest issues of the country -- hatred, unemployment and inflation".
While addressing the flag handover ceremony, he said that the Yatra was not about speaking but listening. "Listen to everyone who comes... only put views on the raised issue briefly". "We wake up early in the morning and start walking and till evening we meet people and listen to their issues...
I am meeting people in groups after the morning break and trying to get ground-level feedback." The Congress leader visited the Golden Temple on Tuesday, a day ahead of the Bharat Jodo Yatra entering Punjab.
After Punjab, the Yatra is scheduled to enter J&K on January 20. A brief halt for a day in Himachal Pradesh and the Yatra move to Kashmir where it will end on January 30 with hoisting of the national flag.