The most awaited movie of the Bollywood renowned actor Sidharth Malhotra who has always provided his audience with entertainment. The movie titled Mission Majnu is going to be released on the OTT Platform Netflix. Before this, the poster was released of the movie in which the makers revealed the streaming platform of the movie. In the movie, the South Indian actress Rashmika Mandanna is starring opposite the renowned actor in the industry. The actor has also released the date the movie is going to be streaming on Netflix from the date 20 January 2023. The movie is presented by Netflix in association with RSVP and Guilty by Association. The movie is inspired by True Events.
ALSO READ: Mission Majnu: Sidharth Malhotra & Rashmika Mandanna Next To Release Their Movie On THIS OTT Platform
The teaser was released on 16 December and grabbed the attention of the public with its 1:19 seconds video. After watching the teaser it surely can be said that this is going to be one of the best films of the actor. The teaser of Mission Majnu depicts this Majnu as the Majnu of the country who can do and can sacrifice anything for his country. In the teaser, Sidharth is going to play the role of a Raw Agent. An agent who can cross every possible limit to safeguard his country from enemies. The teaser started with the storyline that after getting defeated by India three times Pakistan did not sit calmly and again they were trying to take revenge on the country. Then the country decides to attack India with a nuclear weapon. And to protect India from this harmful attack the raw Agent Sidharth will do anything insane.
You can watch the teaser here:
The teaser has been shared on the official youtube channel of Netflix India with the caption “Ek Ansuni Kahaani. Ek anjaana jaanbaaz agent. Ek Maqsad – Bharat ki Suraksha 🇮🇳 Jaaniye India ke iss Majnu ki kahaani, MISSION MAJNU mein.
Starring Sidharth Malhotra, Rashmika Mandanna, Sharib Hashmi, and Parmeet Sethi. Arriving on 20th January 2023, only on Netflix”.The movie is directed by Shantanu Bagchi and Produced By: Ronnie Screwvala, Amar Butala, Garima Mehta
whereas the story by Parveez Shaikh, and Aseem Arrora.
Although Sidharth rumoured girlfriend Kiara Advani also reacted to the teaser which is being shared by Sidhdart on his official Instagram account in which she wrote “salute with red heart emoji”.