Akshay Kumar, who was recently seen in Ram Setu and is working on multiple projects at the same time, is set to return to the big screen with another film. And this he's landed a comedic role. Yes, Akshay will be returning in a comic avatar with a new film, ‘Khel Khel Mein’. The film features none other than Bollywood’s favourite artists, Vaani Kapoor and Taapsee Pannu. It has been helmed by director Mudassar Aziz
Moreover, Ammy Virk, the actor from the Punjabi film Qismat, was recently added to the cast. Ammy, who has already won the hearts of Hindi film viewers with his films 83 and Bhuj: The Pride of India, is all set to rule the screens once again. And it's clear that he's getting ready for his third Bollywood film.
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Ammy believes that great scripts and good film directors are the stars, and with this film, we suppose that he has chosen the best, like every time. Seeing him with such a huge cast is making his fans go crazy. The official announcement has yet to be made, but the news reports suggest that the shooting of the film will start next year in March or April. And the film will also be released by the end of 2023.
We are awaiting a statement from the team regarding this upcoming movie. Moreover, it has been noted that Khel Khel Mein is an old Hindi film that features Neetu Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor, and Rakesh Roshan. Adapted from the English novel "Good Guys Don't Kill" by Louis Thomas, it was a black comedic suspense thriller that Ravi Tandon directed.
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Now, it has not been clear whether Akshay Kumar and Amy Virk’s Khel Khel Mein is a remake of a previous film or a new story has been created for these megastars. Fans are keeping their strict eyes on the official information for Khel Khel Mein. Earlier, it also came to light that Ammy Virk was doing a film with Vicky Kaushal and Tripti Dimri for the film Rola Rola Painda Ni. But, once again, no official announcement has been made.