Actor Anshuman Jha has seen his struggling days on stage doing theatre & therefore got exposed to a lot of literature & classical folk music. He is involved with all the aspects of the film's he works on - especially music. Now he is trying to bring back the classical elements in the contemporary stories he backs.
After using Bulleh Shah's ever green 'Bulla Ki Jaana' in his LGBTQ+ release 'Hum Bhi Akele, Tum Bhi Akele' last year, Jha is now using the Rabindranath Tagore Classic 'Purano Shei Diner Katha' in his upcoming Action-Thriller 'Lakadbaggha' which is set in Kolkata. The vocals of the new rendition have been done by Shuchi Pathak and and Belgian music maestro Simon Fransquet has recomposed the song.
"It's a conscious effort to include the works of these masters into the stories we weave today. I feel it's our responsibility as artists. Tagore is a hero figure for me. And Purano is an absolute favourite & we have got my favourite female voice in Shruti Pathak to sing it. It's her first Bengali song."Lakadbaggha is an animal centric, Action Thriller, about dogs in Kolkata. It stars Ridhi Dogra, Milind Soman & Paresh Pahuja in addition to Anshuman as the protagonist.