Filmmaker-actor Farhan Akhtar, who has made his Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) debut with the fourth episode of Marvel Studios' 'Ms. Marvel', recently shared his feelings about being cast in a Marvel intellectual property.
Farhan, who plays the role of Waleed, the leader of the ancient order known as the Red Daggers, said in a statement, "You automatically start feeling like a superhero when someone tells you that you are going to be part of the MCU.
I stood like a superhero, just missing my cape."The actor also answered some Marvel trivia questions. Sharing the name of the first MCU film/series he watched, he said, "As far as my memory serves me, 'Iron Man' was the first MCU film I watched.
"When asked who he would like to team with in the future, Farhan said, "That would be Iron Man. I know, unfortunately, he is no longer with us but if they could find a way, I'd like it to be him."While the actor is a big Iron Man fan, he mentions that he finds Doctor Strange's powers really cool and would love to have those.
When asked to name three female Avengers in 10 seconds, Farhan promptly answered Ms. Marvel followed by Captain Marvel and Black Widow.'Ms. Marvel' is currently streaming on Disney+ Hotstar in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam.