Sheikh Asif is an Entrepreneur / CEO and Founder of UK based company, Thames Infotech. A brilliant student of his school drops his education because of financial problems. But he continued to learn about computers while working in different shops in his locality. He has designed many websites including logos and graphics so far.“I am basically a school dropout. Due to financial problems I couldn’t continue my studies but I didn’t give up on web designing and graphics,” said Mr. Asif.Sheikh Asif got nominated for one of the highest civilian award (Padma Shri Award 2022).“Though a good student in my school I worked in so many shops sometimes as an accountant or sometimes as a computer operator.”Asif said that back then in 2014, he was financially stable to setup his own business. But due to 2014 floods in Kashmir he was again proved as an unfortunate. “At that point I gave up literally for sometime but my family was my biggest motivation.” Asif did not get what he want at his first interview. He did get a chance to work in the Thames Infotech, at a very nominal wage. But he was happy to get an opportunity to display his talent which later became his interest and he became the owner of the same company in which he was an employee.“In search of job in web designing I started a journey from Kashmir to Delhi and from Delhi to London. After working with a company in London for one month, the company owner didn’t want me anymore.
In a state of hopelessness I wandered in the streets of London. It was the same company I own this time,” Asif said while sharing the journey from a school dropout to a successful entrepreneur. He has received many awards so far and has also written three books named as Digitization in Business and Online Business Ideas. The books are about theDigitization in business, How to start business and 27 online business thoughts respectively. These books also tell us about the Digital marketing, how social platforms help us in growing business and Why a business should have a website. He is also giving free classes for web designing and digital marketing to students, using both online as well as offline medium for it. Students can reach him directly through the official website of or his Facebook @sheeikhasif / Instagram @sheiikhaasif to register for the said courses. “As freelancers we can work from home and earn a good living and there will be no time limitations while working. This is the beauty of IT studies only,” said Asif while giving the importance of learning Information Technology. He has guided 800+ students so for. But a little percentage of students are from Kashmir. “I taught students from other cities of India and many from US, UK and Canada but only 3 percent students were from Kashmir among a lot of students I have guided till date,” he said worriedly.In a message he said that,” The parents should change their way of thinking towards education. In addition to Doctors and Engineers there is need of other professionals too for an upgraded society. They should always support the dreams and passions of their children.”