The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is celebrating 2020 as the year of Humanity as per direction of Government of India, under which following drives are going on :-
1. All round Development of Handicapped/ Differently abled people.
2. Adult education.
3. Massive Plantation Drive to preserve the environment.
Today (12/07/2020) all the Ranges, Group Centres and Battalions of CRPF have organised a massive tree plantation drive in entire Chhattisgarh under the aegis of Sector HQ of CRPF, Nava Raipur.The plantation drive was started on 5th June, i.e., the World Environment Day, 2020. Today, more than 30,000 saplings have been planted in the whole of Chattisgarh state by CRPF.As part of the drive, under the overall supervision of Shri Prakash D., IPS, IG, Chhattisgarh Sector, Shri Sandeep Datta, DIG, Shri S. K. Mishra, DIG, Shri Md. Imran Mallick, DIG, Shri Ajay Mishra, DIG, Shri Kewal Singh, DIG, other senior officers, the lady wives, who are members of CRPF Welfare Association (CWA), Subordinate Officers and Jawans of CRPF have planted 2500 saplings in the upcoming campus of Group Centre, CRPF, Raipur at Arang.Smt. Vinila Prakash, President of CWA, Smt. Rajni Datta, Smt. Meera Mishra, other lady members of CWA and the many children have also participated in this plantation drive with great enthusiasm.