Vidhan Sabha Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar said that the Central and State governments are working extensively to prevent Corona spread and protect the people. He said that from time to time, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Jairam Thakur have successfully handled the challenge of Corona crisis with their foresight. He said that the state government is making all efforts to deal with the Corona crisis. He said that it is necessary to follow the advice of the administration and experts to avoid the infection of corona virus. He said , “ by taking common precautions like washing hands repeatedly, not touching your face and using sanitizer, this infection can be avoided.” He also urged to download the Arogya Setu mobile app directed by the Ministry of AYUSH to prevent infection.The Assembly Speaker lauded and patted the Kangra district administration, police, medical department and other Corona warriors for their efforts to fight the disease with patience and courage to prevent Kovid-19 infection. He assured to address the issues raised by the district administration on priority basis with the Chief Minister regarding the Kovid-19 infection.
Assembly Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar held a meeting with district level officials of various departments in Dharamshala on Tuesday and discussed and reviewed all the initiatives related to the implementation of major programs initiated by the central and state government. He asked the various departments to use the unspent amount, sanctioned for various developmental works.Parmar reviewed the progress related to the Chief Minister's announcements in the meeting and inquired about the problems faced in completing the remaining works. He instructed all departments to speed up the implementation of pending works related to announcements so that these public welfare projects should be dedicated to the public soon.Deputy Commissioner Rakesh Kumar Prajapati gave details of various development activities of the district administration. On this occasion, MLAs of Dharamshala Assembly Vishal Naihari, ADC Raghav Sharma, Superintendent of Police Vimukt Ranjan,all SDMs and district level officers of various departments were present.