Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today released e-Vidhan Guideline brochure and also launched e-Vidhan Application of Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha today.Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister said that this endeavour of the State Vidhan Sabha was laudable which was ensuring check on unnecessary plying of vehicle during the assembly session for transporting business and also saving huge expenses of government on paper. He said that this facility was not only ensuring timely availability of information about legislative matters, but also make them ready for serving the people of the State in a better manner.Jai Ram Thakur said that the State Vidhan Sabha have privilege of being the first ever high tech paperless Vidhan Sabha of the country after implementation of e-Vidhan. He said that this has not only minimised paper usage but also ensured maximum use of e-governance solutions for fast dissemination of information. State Vidhan Sabha Speaker Dr. Rajiv Bindal while welcoming the Chief Minister said that the e-Constituency Management was proving very helpful to the MLAs in managing their respective constituencies. He said that now the budget being presented would be available online through this App on the link IT to the Speaker Vidhan Sabha Dharmesh Kumar Sharma detailed salient features of the e-Vidhan Sabha.
Parliamentary Affairs and Education Minister Suresh Bhardwaj, Urban Development Minister Sarveen Chaudhary were also present on the occasion among others.