National Conference on Sunday observed that planting Hindutava is a long term mission of the RSS and its affiliated wings, particularly the BJP, saying that the PDP has been consciously picked up to implement this agenda in Jammu and Kashmir.“We have been desperately witnessing the symptoms of the RSS agenda in Kashmir in terms of trampling its identity and decimating the younger generation, which is fighting against perpetual injustice”, former minister and MLA Mubarak Gul said while addressing several election meetings in Eidgah assembly segment.According to a statement issued to KNS, Gul, along with former minister Mir Saifullah, cautioned the people against hidden PDP-BJP agenda, emphasizing that this can be achieved by closing the ranks.“Getting fragmented in bits and pieces will embolden the communal forces to push their agenda, especially as the collaborators within are willing to carry forward their sinister mission”, Gul said and referred to recent speeches of the Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and praises showered on the Prime Minister to remain in good books of Nagpur.
Gul warned the perpetrators of atrocities on Kashmiris not to indulge in any misadventure as they will find National Conference as a solid rock to halt their advance. He said history stands testimony to the sacrifices offered by the NC from time to time for just cause of the people. He cautioned the PDP against undermining the will and determination of the people, saying they know how to deal with tyrants.Addressing the election meetings, Mir Saifullah described April 9 and April 12 as days of reckoning for the people to erase the footprints of the perpetrators of 2016 killings. He said the blind young boys and girls will always haunt the PDP for perpetrating mayhem on Kashmiris.Mir Saifullah said that by giving passage to BJP into Kashmir, the PDP has provided respectability to the chronic communalists. “It is understandable also because the PDP leaders in different avtaaars have all along nurtured venom against their own people, which is why they can go to any extent to make Kashmiris suffer”, he added.Gul and Mir Saifullah urged the electors of Srinagar and Anantnag parliamentary constituencies to come forward in a big way and send out a message to the PDP that enough is enough. They exuded confidence that Dr Farooq Abdullah will win the Srinagar seat with a big margin, given the euphoria among the people to teach a lesson to the enemies of Kashmir like PDP and BJP. (KNS)