5 Dariya News

Having An Eyesight Problem? Know It's Solution & Ways To Improve Your Vision

5 Dariya News


Many people are having problems related to eyesight. Yeah, it sounds common but the problem is not common. Because having eyesight issues in older age is understandable but in teen age, it seems like you might have some unhealthy diet or other genetic disease.

It is the official data which was released by the WHO in the last year that globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a near or distant vision impairment. In at least 1 billion – or almost half – of these cases, vision impairment could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed.

Statistics of Punjab: 

If we talk about Punjab then around some 74.7% people between 45-59 age group and 81.9% in the 60+ age group in Punjab have vision-related problems.Nearly 3% of children younger than 18 years are blind or visually impaired, explained that before wearing glasses or lenses they feel trouble in seeing the objects

Approximately 6.8% of children  who are younger than 18 years in the United States are diagnosed with eye and vision conditions.

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As everyone knows that good food or a good diet always leads to a good life and healthy lifstyle.So always eating green vegetables would keep you healthy and always positive. Know the main causes of eyesight problems. 

Sometimes this issue has come during some injury or if someone has any kind of disorders like diabetes, it affects the whole body.

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