Rupnagar police have recovered 4 pistols and 20 live cartridges from Davinder Singh, an associate of gangster Dilpreet Singh Baba. SSP Vivek S Soni informed that on directions of the Chief Minister, Punjab Mr. Bhagwant Singh Mann and DGP Mr. Gaurav Yadav, a comprehensive campaign against gangsters and mafia has been conducted at the district level under which strict action is being taken against anti-social elements involved in crimes.
He further said that under the leadership of PPS SP (Detective) Navneet Singh Mahal, and PPS DSP Captain of Police (Detective) Talwinder Singh Gill, in-charge CIA Rupnagar Inspector Satnam Singh has recovered 4 pistols and 20 live cartridges from gangster Dilpreet Singh Baba's associate Davinder Singh alias Jora resident of village Lodipur police station Sri Anandpur Sahib, who was already in Nabha Jail.
SSP disclosed that on January 12, 2023, the police team arrested Roop Lal alias Roopa of village Gohlani with a pistol and registered a case number U/S 25/54/59 of Arms Act at police station Nangal. During the investigation, by tracking the background of the criminal, the accused gangster Dilpreet Singh Baba, Village Dhahan, Police Station, Nurpurbedi, District Rupnagar, was also nominated as an accused in the same case.
After which the accused Dilpreet Singh was brought on a production warrant from Bathinda Jail on June 5, 2023, so that the case could be investigated thoroughly. Mr. Vivek Sheel Soni said that while proceeding with the investigation of the case, during the interrogation, these facts came to light that the accused Dilpreet Singh alias Baba had provided illegal weapons to Davinder Singh Jora, a resident of village Lodipur police station Mr. Anandpur to carry out a major incident.
After which accused Davinder Singh was named in the case and also brought from Nabha Jail on June 8, 2023 and acting swiftly on his statement, 04 pistols and 20 live rounds have been recovered.
SSP said that the accused are being presented before Nangal court today. Accused will be taken into police remand and more revelations are expected to come in this case.