Diljit Dosanjh, who was seen in the last film Jogi, and Sargun Mehta, who appeared in Moh lately, are all set to hit the silver screens on October 5. The film has a multi starrer cast and features popular faces like Gurpreet Bhangu, Sangtar Singh, Lakhan Paul, Sohail Ahmed, and many more. And if you are planning to make your Dushera memorable, then you can surely watch this comedy poached film.
Moreover, the trailer of the most awaited Punjabi film of 2022 is also out on YouTube, which has surely added much more to our excitement. Here we have collected 5 unique and incredible reasons that make Babe Bhangra Paunde Ne a must-watch.
5 Reasons To Watch Punjabi Film Babe Bhangra Paunde Ne:
Fresh On Screen Jodi
This will be the very first time, fans of Diljit Dosanjh and Sargun Mehta will be witnessing these commendable artists together. Diljit Dosanjh, a name that needs no introduction, has always made his audible smile with his social media posts, hilarious films, and praise-worthy skills. Whereas Sargun Mehta is without a doubt ruling the Punjabi industry. And it will be a treat for fans to watch them together on big screens for the first time. This fresh pair has all our attention, and we can’t miss any chance to watch Babe Bhangra Paunde Ne.
Starring Newcomers
Apart from a fresh on-screen Jodi, the film also features many new actors like Sangtar Singh and Lakhan Pal. These two artists have already earned their place in the hearts of the audience with their comedy videos, skits, vlogs, and parodies. Similarly, Lakhan Pal has also entertained us with his humour and acting skills.
Prolific Writer & Director
How can we skip the makers of the film? The film Babe Bhangra Paunde Ne, which is touted as a comedy-drama with a lot of fun and emotions, has been written by prolific writer Naresh Kathooria. Diljit Dosanjh and Sargun Mehta starrer has been directed by Amarjit Singh Saron. The cinematography was done by Baljit Singh Deo. All these creators have always delivered the best projects in front of an audience. So, it becomes another reason to watch the film.
Storyline & Songs
After watching the trailer, which is available on YouTube, fans are excited to watch the film. As the storyline is unique and the film also stars many actors like Sohail Ahmed, Gurpreet Bhangu, Balinder Johal, Jassica Gill, Bk Singh Rakhra, Devinder Deve Dillon, Avtar Singh Gill, Dr Pargat Singh Bhurji, and many more. The storyline is unusual, and the songs in the film have already hooked the audience. Peppy tracks and infectious beats have made us fall in love. Two songs from the film have seen the day of light. These are Koka and the Bachelor Party.
Hilarious Trailer
The film is based on the story of becoming rich. Diljit, along with his companions, creates an idea to earn money irrespective of its consequences. The fun and the hilarious ride started after he started executing his plans. The trailer looks super entertaining. Babe Bhangra Paunde Ne looks like a great balance of comedy and drama. The dialogues will surely tickle your funny bones.
Now, these reasons are enough to convince you and make up your mind to watch the film. We are eagerly waiting for October 5th to watch the film. Are you? Meanwhile, if you haven't watched the trailer, here’s the link: