Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra, popularly known as the Golden Boy of India, created a new national record and finished with a silver medal with a throw of 89.30m at the Paavo Nurmi Games in Finland.
Created history again by touching the gold standard mark:
Our golden boy Neeraj almost touched the prestigious 90-metre mark, which is called the gold standard in javelin throw competition and created history. This was Chopra's first competitive show after ten months.
89.30m throw put him among the title winners of the world season:
Chopra's next throw was a mammoth of 89.30m with an opening throw of 86.92m. Although his next three attempts were unsuccessful, he made two throws of 85.85m in his sixth and final attempt. Meanwhile, Chopra's 89.30m javelin throw has propelled her to fifth on the list of world season title winners.
Neeraj will participate in Finland's Kuorten tournament:
After creating history at the Paavo-Nurmi Games in Finland, Neeraj Chopra will attend the Kuortane Games in Finland before moving to Sweden for the Stockholm stage of the Diamond League. The Paavo-Nurmi Games, a gold event in the World Athletics Continental Tour, is one of the largest track-and-field events.