Bhartiya Janata Party Co operative Society Co Convener Sham Lal Gupta today along with BJP Sr Leader Rajeev Charak, Chowki Incharge Bahu Fort Ravinder Bakshi and Anku Khajuria President Mata Maha Kali Mandir Market Union distributed ration items among the needfull Public.Gupta Provided Flour Bags (Atta) and fruits to the Public.Chowki Incharge Bahu Fort Ravinder Bakshi appreciated efforts of Sham Lal Gupta and his team working for welfare of the society.Rajeev Charak Sr Leader BJP , Anku Khajuria - President Mata Maha Kali Mandir Market Union appreciated efforts of BJP Co Convener Sham Lal Gupta.Those Present include Ratan Lal, Rohit Kumar, Abishek Sharma, Mohit Sharma and Ajay Bhagat.