Actor Mohanlal, director Pa Ranjith and Cinematographer P.C. Sreeram were among the several celebrities from the Tamil and Malayalam film industries who wished the nation a very happy Republic Day on Wednesday.Taking to Twitter, Malayalam superstar Mohanlal said, "Let us pledge to always keep the tricolour high and rising. Republic Day Wishes to every Indian."Actress Rakul Preet Singh, who is one of the top heroines in the Tamil and Telugu film industries, said, "Freedom in mind, faith in words, pride in our heart and memories of our souls. Let's salute the nation on Republic Day!! Happy Republic Day."
Ace cinematographer P.C. Sreeram too expressed his heartfelt wishes on social media. He tweeted, "Happy Republic Day. Let love conquer our land to its Golorious days ahead. Jai Hind."Director Venkat Prabhu, whose 'Maanaadu' featuring Simbu and S.J. Suryah in the lead emerged a blockbuster, said, "Happy Republic Day my fellow brothers and sisters of this great nation!!"Actor Sivakarthikeyan's production house, Sivakarthikeyan Productions too wished the citizens of the country a very happy Republic Day.The production house, through its Twitter handle, said, "Happy Republic Day. Let's take this moment to cherish the freedom and the glory of our nation."Director Pa Ranjith, who posted a picture of National leader B R Ambedkar with the lines 'Nation salutes The Father of Indian Republic', said, "Happy Republic Day. #Jaibhim "