Raduaa Returns is the highly anticipated sequel to the 2018 film Raduaa, a unique sci-fi story centred around time travel, written and directed by Nav Bajwa. The movie is set to release on 22nd November and will be distributed worldwide by White Hill Studios.
In the first instalment, the four main characters accidentally embark on a time-travelling journey from the year 2018 to 1955, with the movie concluding in 2255.
This groundbreaking film was shot entirely in Punjab, India, and is notable for being the first Punjabi movie to utilize advanced VFX technology. The visual effects were created by Movie FX Studios, one of the best in the industry, known for their work on major South Indian, Bollywood, and Hollywood films. They skillfully crafted the CGI for both the futuristic and historical scenes in Raduaa Returns.
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The movie is produced under the banner of Outline Productions and NavBajwa Films. It is produced by Mr. Anil Sharma and Mrs. Anupama Sharma, who also head one of the largest IT companies in the USA, 22nd Century Ltd. Nav Bajwa serves as the co-producer.
The film boasts a stellar ensemble cast, featuring Nav Bajwa, Gurpreet Ghuggi, B.N. Sharma, Satinder Satti, Mahira Sharma, Naman Hanjra, Yograj Singh, Jaswant Singh Rathore, and Paramveer Singh.
One of the major attractions in Raduaa Returns is the presence of The Great Khali, the international wrestling superstar, in a pivotal role. For the first time, audiences will witness an epic fight scene between Khali, known for defeating The Undertaker and many other WWE stars, and Punjabi actor Nav Bajwa.
Like its predecessor, the sequel promises a grander visual spectacle, packed with comedy and science fiction, offering an even more immersive experience for the audience. Raduaa Returns will be released in cinemas on 22nd November, with White Hill Studios distributing the film worldwide.
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