Leading content companies Jio Studios, Humble Motion Pictures and Panorama Studios, have announced the teaser of their highly anticipated third instalment of the heart-warming family drama, Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di. Superstar Gippy Grewal made his directorial debut with Ardaas, the first film of the franchise. The success story continued with the second instalment, Ardaas Karan. The ambitious Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di promises to be another success story. Scheduled to hit theatres worldwide on September 13th, 2024. Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di is produced by Gippy Grewal, Ravneet Kaur Grewal, Jyoti Deshpande, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak, and Divay Dhamija.
The launch of the first look poster had got the audiences excited for the teaser which was unveiled at an event in Chandigarh today in the presence of the entire cast.
The teaser introduces an ensemble cast coming together to offer Ardaas, a heartfelt prayer. It gives a glimpse into the lives and struggles of the cast, showing the burdens they carry. The narrative exemplifies the importance of offering Ardaas, demonstrating how this act of devotion can provide solutions and solace for many of life's challenges.
Expressing his excitement on the film's teaser release, Gippy Grewal, actor, writer, director and producer, stated “This film has always been close to my heart , as it was my debut as writer & director.
ALSO READ: Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di: Gippy Grewal's Directorial Magic Continues With Third Installment Of The Heartwarming Franchise Ardaas
And coming together with panorama and jio studios has been such a blessing for all of us . It is often said that so many energies get in sync for any film. This collaboration proved to be some sublime energy for us all , we felt it and the audience will feel it too.
The film boasts a stellar cast alongside Gippy Grewal, including Jasmin Bhasin, Gurpreet Singh Ghuggi, Prince Kanwaljit Singh, Malkeet Rauni, and Raghveer Boli.
Jio Studios, Humble Motion Pictures and Panorama Studios present Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di, written and directed by Gippy Grewal. Produced by Gippy Grewal, Ravneet Kaur Grewal, Jyoti Deshpande, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak, and Divay Dhamija. Releasing worldwide in cinemas on 13th September, 2024.
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