The eagerly anticipated film "Godday Godday Chaa" is set to release in India and other countries on May 26th, much to the excitement of fans who have been waiting impatiently. When asked which upcoming film they most want to see, audiences consistently give the same answer: "Godday Godday Chaa."
Also Read: Godday Godday Chaa: Release Date Of Upcoming Punjabi Film Is Out
The film has generated a great deal of buzz among audiences, who are eagerly sharing its posters on social media.The film, produced by Zee Studios and V H Entertainment, stars Sonam Bajwa, Tania, Gitaaz Bindrakhia, and Gurjazz in lead roles.
It has received a lot of attention due to the popularity of its stars and the production team's past successes in the Bollywood film industry. Zee Studios has a track record of delivering top-notch entertainment in the film industry.
Also Read: Godday Godday Chaa: First Look Poster Of Upcoming Punjabi Film Is Out
The film's release date had previously been postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions, but with the situation improving, fans can finally look forward to seeing it on the big screen. With the buzz and anticipation surrounding "Godi Godi Chaa," it seems likely that it will be a major success at the box office.