Punjab government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is continuously working to ramp up the infrastructure in the state, saying this, Punjab Public Works Minister Mr. Harbhajan Singh ETO informed that two railway over bridges (ROBs) will be constructed at a cost of 88.94 crores to smoothen the traffic movement in Bathinda city.
Answering a question asked by MLA Jagrup Singh Gill during the Punjab Vidhan Sabha session today, the Public Works Minister said that RS50.86 crore will be spent on the construction of the railway over bridge to be constructed at Janta Nagar Bathinda.
The work of this bridge will be initiated and completed within 3 years as per the budget provision of the financial year 2023-24. Giving information about Multania Bridge, Mr. Harbhajan Singh ETO said that a committee of 3 supervising engineers was formed to examine the proposal of this bridge, after receiving the report, the project is under the consideration of the government.
He said that the construction of this bridge will be started soon. He said that this bridge will be constructed within the stipulated time of 3 years at a cost of Rs 38.08 crore. The Public Works Minister further informed that during the construction of these bridges, alternate arrangements will be made to keep traffic flowing smoothly and people will not be inconvenienced.
He said that during the construction, the traffic will be kept moving through the railway over bridges built on Amarpura Basti and Bathinda-Badal-Ghuda Road.