Actor Sidharth Malhotra has resumed shooting for his next film 'Yodha', an action thriller. Sidharth on early morning on Sunday, took to Instagram, shared a video on his Stories.
The video shows a view of the city and had a time stamp of 6 a.m. put on it. For the caption he wrote: "#Yodha' The thriller 'Yodha', directed by Pushkar Ojha and Sagar Ambre, is based on a hijacking.
The film features Sidharth in an action-packed role and an all-new avatar. Co-stars Disha Patani and Raashi Khanna will be seen alongside Sidharth Malhotra.
The actor is loaded with different characters and power-packed performances in his upcoming line-up with Rohit Shetty's directorial venture into the web space, titled 'The Indian Police Force'.