Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan remembered the late actor-director Satish Kaushik as a 'best landlord' in his struggling days. Aaryan shared a picture of him in a printed shirt and denim and called him a great human being, who helped him in his initial years of struggle and guided him always.
He wrote in his Instagram stories: "A great actor, a great human being, and the best landlord, I had during my struggling days in the city. Will always remember your encouraging words and laughter sir.
RIP Satish Sir (folded hands emoji)." Satish died of a heart attack and his last rites were held at the Versova crematorium in the presence of his family members and close friends, including actor Anupam Kher and director Ashok Pandit.
The late actor is known for his roles in 'Mr. India', 'Deewana Mastana', 'Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro', 'Ram Lakhan', 'Mr. & Mrs. Khiladi', and 'Haseena Maan Jaayegi', among others.