Bollywood actress Tabu, who is awaiting the release of her next film 'Bholaa', directed by her 'Drishyam 2' co-star Ajay Devgn, revealed that Ajay was a totally different person on the sets of 'Bholaa' as a director.
The two have worked together in about 9 films including the blockbuster 'Drishyam' franchise, yet 'Bhola' is the first where Ajay is directing Tabu.
Talking about her experience with Ajay at the helm of affairs, Tabu told media on the sidelines of the second teaser launch of 'Bholaa': "While directing, he was not the Ajay Devgn, whom I've known for so many years.
He was some other human being on the set as he sat on the director's chair". About any special treatment she recieved on the sets considering the two share a long working history, the actress said: "Special treatment?
He didn't even smile at me while working. He became so quiet, so focused, he's anyway quiet but he became all the more silent as he donned the director's hat."
Shedding light on Ajay's working style as a director, she said: "He himself is such a good actor and that trickles down to his briefing and instructions for his actors on set.
And yes he flawlessly switched to an action director while briefing about the action." 'Bholaa' also stars a powerful line-up of actors like Vineet Kumar, Deepak Dobriyal and Sanjay Mishra. The film is set to arrive in cinemas on March 30.