Chief Minister, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu visited Manser Toll Plaza near Indora, the venue of the entry point of 'Bharat Jodo Yatra', being led by the senior congress leader, Rahul Gandhi. He also visited the proposed venue of the public meeting at Malot village in Indora and reviewed the preparations.
The Chief Minister issued necessary directions to the officers to make foolproof arrangements so that minimum inconvenience is caused to the general public. He also directed the party workers to ensure to make this event a memorable one.
State Congress Incharge, Rajiv Shukla, MP and State Congress President Pratibha Singh and senior Congress leader Anand Sharma, Ministers Dr Dhani Ram Shandil, Chander Kumar, Rohit Thakur, co-incharge, State Congress Shri Sanjay Dutt, CPS Shri Sanjay Awasthi, political advisor to Chief Minister Shri Sunil Sharma, Principal Advisor Media Shri Naresh Chauhan, Principal Advisor IT and Innovation Shri Gokul Butail, Deputy Commissioner Kangra, Dr Nipun Jindal, former Minister, MLAs, former MLAs and other Congress leaders were present on the occasion.