Rashmika Mandanna, who will be making her Bollywood debut with Big B in the film GoodBye, will hit the big screens soon. Yes, you read that right. The Rashmika and Amitabh Bachchan starrer GoodBye gets a release date. The shoot for the same has already been wrapped up, and now the makers have created the hype by disclosing its release date.
The film, which is directed by Vikas Bahl, is a heart-warming story about life, family, and relationships. It will take the audience on a roller-coaster of emotions filled with laughter, warmth, and tears. The film also stars Neena Gupta, Elli AvrRam, Pavail Gulati, Sunil Grover, and Sahil Mehta in pivotal roles and is set for release on October 7, 2022.
When asked by Rashmika about her first shot with Amitabh Bachchan in this film, the actress shared, "It was a very simple scene but the task looked magnified because of who I was going to share screen space with. It can make you so nervous and intimidated. I wanted to nail the scene but inside, I was so anxious. I just didn't let it surface while doing the scene. I didn't know how I should do it and get it right. For me, being as real as possible has been the best policy. I can't pretend. I had to look into sir's eyes while doing the scene. It worked out fine at the end. And I went back home, very happy."
Speaking of the film, GoodBye, Neena, and Big B will be essaying the roles of Rashmika’s parents. The film went on floors last year. The film is being produced by Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Motion Pictures and Reliance Entertainment.