BJP state executive member and BJP candidate from Jubbal kotkhai Neelam Saraik while addressing a press conference said The statement quoted by Congress president and Member of parliament from mandi Pratibha singh on the Gudiya Case is Denunciatory and shows her thoughts which is Anti women.
She said that Gudiya case was not a small case, it was one of the historical criminal cases registered in the history of himachal. It is BJP which did a massive protest asking an enquiry of CBI which gave a positive direction to the case.
She said it is quite sad that how pratibha singh has disrespected women of our society.
Her version is a shame to himachal.She said in 2017 gudiya case took place During the congress government and it was the congress leaders who hampered the case leading to an unclear investigation.Congress just initiated a Cosmetic inquiry on the same.
Congress leaders tampered with evidences which misled the investigation agencies and the then Supritendent of Police DW negi was arrested. The then Inspector General of police ZH Zaidi is still behind bars.She said we would like that Pratibha singh should clearify he facts that the Kotkhai police post was burnt down due to the custodial death of Suraj.
She said Pratibha singh should apologise to the general public and the family of Gudiya for this kind of statement given by her.Her remarks shows her pricely behaviour, she has No right to stay on her post of congress president and member of parliament.