Ayushmann Khurrana who just completed a decade in Bollywood this year with the film Vicky Donor now seems to be on a roll. The actor recently announced a film Anek and now he is adding another film to his pipeline. The actor is now working on a film titled "An Action Hero". Not only this, but the actor has also shared the poster and revealed its release date. The upcoming Bollywood stint is set to hit the theatres on December 2, the makers announced on Friday.Billed as a slick actioner with an offbeat satirical sense of humour, the film follows an artist's journey both in front and behind the lens. Moreover, the shooting of this film commenced in 2021. The film is currently in post-production. Ayushmann took to his social media and shared the first-look poster with a blur effect.
Coming to the credits, the film has been directed by Anirudh Iyer. An Action Hero will feature Ayushmann in a completely new avatar. Producer and filmmaker Aanand L Rai said that they concluded the first leg of ‘An Action Hero’ in London successfully. Meanwhile, when asked by Ayushmann, what grabbed his attention to do this film the actor replied, Ayushmann Khurrana talked about what drew him to An Action Hero. He said, "I absolutely loved the script of An Action Hero instantly. It’s zany, it’s fresh, it’s disruptive and it has all the trappings of cinema that I have come to be known for."
Hindi : An Action Hero: आयुष्मान खुराना ने किया अपकमिंग फ़िल्म के पोस्टर और रिलीज की तारीख का किया खुलासा