Adorned with stars like Bhojpuri queen Rani Chatterjee, Bollywood's famous villain Shakti Kapoor and superstar Gaurav Jha, the film 'Lady Singham' will be released on April 22. The film will be released in all the theaters of Bihar and Jharkhand. Apart from this, the film will also be released in Delhi, UP, Mumbai, Gujarat.The film 'Lady Singham' is a film based on women empowerment, in which the audience will see the masculine avatar of Rani.
The main attraction in the film will be Bollywood's famous villain Shakti Kapoor, who is also seen in the role of a villain in this film.The film 'Lady Singham' is a completely action packed film, whose trailer was released recently. In this, the film's lead actress Rani Chatterjee is seen in the role of a cop. His action sequence in the trailer is very exciting. The trailer of the film is reminiscent of Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji, who was seen in the role of a cop in the film Mardaani.Although the story of this film is very different, but Rani's appearance looks very special. Gaurav Jha is also seen playing a special role in the film.
The presence of Shakti Kapoor is enough to give a Bollywood touch to the film. Now the audience will not have to wait much for this film, as the film will be in theaters from April 22.Let us tell you that the film 'Lady Singham' is produced by Vikas Productions. The producer is Sarla Ashok Saraogi and the director is Dilip Gulati. Co-produced by Rahul Sharma, music by S Kumar, lyrics by S Kumar, Sumit Singh Chandravanshi and Santosh Utpati. PRO is Sanjay Bhushan Patiyala and DOP is Hemant Maheshwari.