Tennis legend Leander Paes is quite excited about his upcoming project as he has signed up for an animated show titled 'Little Leander' based on his life journey.He has signed up for the show with the studio Green Gold Animation who earlier delivered popular animation series 'Chhota Bheem'.Talking about the project, Leander said, "I'm thrilled for this show to be made because this in a way also becomes my legacy to stay. This is a very heartwarming opportunity because through this series I will be communicating with young minds and looking to inspire them toward positive development. The thought in itself is very fulfilling."
Sharing the thought behind the animation show, Rajiv Chilaka, Founder & CEO, Green Gold Animation said, "We are privileged every time we get to witness genius in any field and Leander has given us many of those moments and still continues to inspire us off the court. But genius is nurtured through the hardest of challenges. It's not easy to be a Leander Paes, but it's not meant to be easy. With 'Little Leander', we hope to capture the fun, the sweet and the hard moments; the learnings from losses and the joy of victory."Adding to that, Leander said, "I met Rajiv multiple times to understand how the story will develop and his vision for the series, I'm assured that I'm in safe hands. I'm glad that this is taking off and can't wait to see the pilot now."