The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Jammu & Kashmir Police has launched a portal to enable citizens to report instances and information about criminal, unlawful or suspicious activities in their neighborhood. The portal, managed end-to-end by the CID, is a key initiative towards prevention of crime and strengthening the peace and security in Jammu & Kashmir. The portal is available for access at the URL: Through this portal, citizens can now report information about criminal, unlawful or suspicious activities in their neighborhood. The portal also allows the citizens to share information anonymously.CID is recording every single instance of threat or intimidation to any person directly or indirectly (through Telephone call, WhatsApp message, Email or Social media or poster or web-portal or any other mode).
Citizens are invited to report any intimidation preferably with details such as date and time of telephone call vide which threat was conveyed, telephone number including virtual number used by criminal, application used is also helpful if the voice or conversation of the criminal is recorded which CID will obtain separately to compare it with the voice library to identify the criminal.The portal thus is expected to play an active role in policing their neighborhood and contribute to building a safer society.The portal also has a facility to seek information about progress in Passport and Service verifications.Built in line with the vision of Digital India, this portal is aimed at promoting peace and ensuring the well-being of the people. The portal has been dedicated by the Director General of Police, Dilbag Singh to the citizens of Jammu & Kashmir who want to promote peace and rule of law.