The epic science fiction film 'Dune' directed by Denis Villeneuve won the title for 'Best Sound' and 'Best Cinematography' at the 94th Academy Awards that were held at the Dolby Theatre. The five sound specialists cited for Dune Theo Green, Mark Mangini, Mac Ruth, Doug Hemphill, Ron Bartlett and Mac Ruth have 25 total Oscar nominations among them. Music composer Hans Zimmer's epic score in the film is being touted as one of the key reasons for the film winning 'The Best Sound' award. The score of Dune is brought to life by the clattering drums, operatic vocals and glorious pangs of bagpipes, which creates an atmosphere of intrigue, fear and genuine magic on a mysterious otherworld. The film edged out 'Belfast', 'No Time to Die', 'West Side Story' and 'The Power of the Dog' to win the Oscar for 'Best Sound'. The 'Best Cinematography' honour came in as the film's fifth Oscar. Australian cinematographer Greig Fraser took to stage as he accepted his much deserved award.