India off-spinner Jayant Yadav said on Monday that the moisture in the pitch on day four of the second Test at the Wankhede Stadium helped him. He added that it was important to bowl in the right areas.After not getting a wicket on day three, Yadav took out four New Zealand wickets on day four of the second Test as India won by 372 runs and wrapped the two-match series 1-0."In the morning, the moisture in the wicket helped. You could see the difference between last evening and this morning, was getting much more bite. Was just important to get the ball in the right areas," said Yadav after the match.It was a memorable Test comeback for Yadav at a venue where he scored his maiden Test hundred against England in 2016."Wankhede and Mumbai is special, the last Test here, I got a hundred.
Missed out on a five-for here, but helped the team's cause," said the 31-year-old.Yadav mentioned that he has learnt a lot from senior off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin. "It's useful to feed off Ashwin's mind, he thinks for the team in a different way, should always pick on thinking brains and add to your game. It's great learning for me."At the same interaction, batter Shreyas Iyer said his thinking was to do well in the chances he gets. "I'm not thinking of cementing a place. We've got so much competition and players in good form, I just want to do well when I get an opportunity."Iyer, who turned 27 on Monday, was in praise of head coach Rahul Dravid motivating him."Dravid gives you confidence, we started off at India A. We've gelled really well, his work ethic and player management skills is amazing. It's great to chat with him even outside the field."India's next assignment is a tour of South Africa for three Tests and as many ODIs starting from December 26.