India opener Mayank Agarwal said on Monday that he felt nice getting back to scoring ways. He added that his focus is now on the South Africa tour which will start from December 26.For top-scoring in both of India's innings with 150 and 62, Agarwal was adjudged 'Player of the match' as India won the second Test by 372 runs and claimed the two-match series 1-0."It feels good to be back among the runs and this knock is special for me. I didn't really think about the second hundred in the match, but should have converted the sixty.
We will relish the abroad challenge in South Africa, so we're looking forward to that too," said Agarwal in the post-match presentation ceremony.Agarwal further explained the mindset of his game in Mumbai after a not-so-memorable outing in Kanpur."I didn't change anything from Kanpur; I just had the mental discipline and determination. The technique isn't going to be the best all the time, it won't guarantee runs, but the will to fight is the key."The 30-year-old signed off by recalling the advice he got from head coach Rahul Dravid and legendary batter Sunil Gavaskar."Rahul bhai told me about not thinking of technique mid-series, and told me this is the technique that's got me runs. Sunny sir said I should keep my bat low early on in the innings and opening up my left shoulder."