The much-hyped Ayushmann Khurrana-Vaani Kapoor starrer has a name. On Wednesday, it was confirmed that the film directed by Abhishek Kapoor is titled Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui.Taking to Instagram, Ayushmann expressed joy at starting shooting for the film in his hometown, Chandigarh."Next stop: My hometown Chandigarh for the first time.Excited to be a part of Abhishek Kapoor's delightful progressive love story #ChandigarhKareAashiqui," he wrote.Along with it, he posted a picture of himself posing along with Abhishek and Vaani.Vaani, too, shared the same image on her Instagram account."It's time to fall in love! Thrilled to be a part of Abhishek Kapoor's delightful progressive love story #ChandigarhKareAashiqui," she captioned the post.