5 Dariya News

Waving of ISIS flags: Security agencies to intensify vigil in Old City on Friday

5 Dariya News

Srinagar 16-Oct-2014

Following the regular appearance of Islamic State or ISIS flags, the security agencies would be keeping a tight vigil over youths on Friday soon after congregational prayers here in Old City areas of the summer capital Srinagar.Reliable sources told GNS that security agencies including police and army would keep a tight vigil on youths in and around Jamia Masjid and Nowhatta after Friday congregational prayers. The masked youths have regularly waved ISIS flags in these areas during anti-India and anti-Israel demonstrations.It was outside Jamia Masjid in Old City where ISIS flag made debut in Kashmir this year on July 11.

Last week, soon after Friday prayers, youths staged an anti-India demonstration outside Jamia Masjid and waved an ISIS flag. Witnesses had said the youths also climbed Jamia Masjid’s gate and waved ISIS flag.Later, an Islamic State flag was seen atop on one of the gates of Jamia Masjid.Meanwhile, the security agencies including police and army have started extensive investigations into the appearance of ISIS flags in Kashmir.“The army, police and other security agencies have activated their wings to identify these youths. They are also investigating whether they are just sympathizers or beyond that as the group has attracted thousands across the world towards Jihad,” sources said.

So far, the security and intelligence agencies have ruled out the possibility of Islamic State in Kashmir.The Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, also said that the group has no presence in Kashmir and those waving Islamic State flags are ‘idiots’. A Kashmir youth based in Australia had reportedly joined the ISIS, the Chief Minister said few months ago.Before devastating floods, police in Srinagar had questioned several youths including a cameraperson working with a Mumbai-based news channel. However, no one was booked, police had said.Recently, the Chief Minister in Delhi said that few youths have been arrested while a tailor who allegedly made ISIS flags has been identified and the action would be initiated against him. (GNS)